US Spy Robert Hanssen Astrological Profile (Birth Chart and Crime Chart)

Robert Hanssen Mugshot

Looking at the birth chart and crime chart of a spy is a fascinating study. There are a few zodiac signs, planets or degrees that are significantly featured in a “spy chart” such as Pisces (ruling deception, spies, sensitive, Russia, foreign things, religion, plastic and prison).  It would make sense that considering Robert Hanssen’s strong Neptune influence – he would be a devout Catholic, fascinated with foreign lands and would become known as the USA’s most damaging spy – who would spend many years in prison. He was caught trading sensitive documents using a plastic bag at his dead drops.

Among Washington intelligence circles, the 1990s are known as the decade of deception, when dozens of foreign spies were caught and sent to prison.  The Washington Post

Robert Hanssen's birth chart

Robert Hanssen’s birth chart (exact time of birth estimated)


Hanssen’s birth chart (above) and the crime chart (below) at time of his arrest .

What Does It Take to Become a Famous International Spy?

Underground, secret personality traits are represented in a natal chart by Scorpio and the hidden or deceptive traits are related to Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. Scorpio is ruled by Mars and often represents law enforcement (or professions that fight or “spar” like military or in sports).  Mars is masculine energy. These people have secrets (military strategy, sports playbook) and you’ll often see weapons or a challenger/opponent.Robert Hanssen spy astrology

Gemini is prevalent in a spy’s chart – since Gemini shows “2” or “double” as in “double life” or “double agent.” Mercury (and it’s higher octave Uranus) represents “signals” and when you add the sign of Scorpio or 8th house (secrets) or Pisces or the 12th house (hidden) you have a person who is very skilled at, or at least given exposure to, Secret Signals and/or Hidden Signals.

Forensic Astrology 101 students: Gemini and Mercury (Gemini’s ruling planet) will give indicators of a missing person’s perpetrator or location such as “2” kidnappers, a mobile home (Gemini: mobile if aspecting Moon or the 4th house), or near “2” bridges, lakes or other geographical markers. As an example, Amanda Eller was found between two waterfalls.

In former FBI Special Agent Robert Hanssen’s chart, Saturn is placed in Gemini with Part of Fortune

Bob Hanssen

Saturn: Hanssen’s Duty in Life

(“success”). In a birth chart, Saturn shows the person’s “duty” they carry out in life) – Hanssen’s duty was to successfully carry out dangerous signals or signals “to kill” – represented by 22° – over many years (Saturn shows a “long period of time” or delay in getting caught!).

The 8th house, prevalent in spy charts, represents secrets, as well as research and investigations. Since the energy can manifest in those areas, you’ll see investigators that are also positioned “around” secrets.  The ruler of the 8th house is traditionally Mars, so when we look for the police in a crime chart, we look at Mars.  For spies, we also focus heavily on Neptune, the planet that represents spies, and the ruler of Pisces as well as the 12th house, which also represents Pisces traditionally.

“The 12th House and the sign of Pisces shows spying and prison. Robert Hanssen’s natal chart represents the motivations and inclinations of person with a Neptune signature which both drove him (to spy) helped him (hide) and hurt him (prison).” Valerie Evans, Forensic Astrologer

It takes a special combination in a chart to show that a spy has the power to kill or be killed.  Many of us have these signatures in our birth charts but we simply like a good spy novel!

Robert Hanssen

Gemini: signal, words, tapes

Gemini represents communication and can show high tech signals or communication about advanced tech (Uranus, future thinking/ high tech) and many ups and downs (URA) in his career (10th house, “career”) using cassette tapes and documents; Hanssen did not consistently spy throughout his career marked by many highs and lows – including the fall of the Berlin Wall/crumbling of the USSR, which abruptly stopped his communications with Russia – not to mention when his double life was inadvertently revealed to his wife when she found a large amount of cash, left by Hanssen, in their bedroom (Pisces “bedroom”).  After he confessed, she insisted that he confess to their family priest. She still had no idea that the information he was giving to the Soviets were compromising US agents and they were dying, tortured or arrested as a result.

The affidavit alleges that on over 20 separate occasions, Hanssen secretly left packages for the KGB, and its successor agency, the SVR, at dead drop sites in the Washington area. He also provided over two dozen computer diskettes containing additional disclosures of information. Overall, Hanssen gave the KGB/SVR more than 6,000 pages of valuable documentary material, according to the affidavit.

At 6°, the “hidden enemy” degree (12° as well) shows that he was a hidden enemy at his place of work (FBI) and also served as an analyst (6° is the Virgo degree or “analyst”).  The 22° shows Hanssen would be dangerous and contribute to the murder of countless double agents (Mercury “double”) working for the U.S abroad.  He would essentially block or “stop” (Saturn, “to stop”) the double agents that were on the U.S. payroll and in the FBI network (11th house “network”).

*22°: to kill or be killed, or danger
See more about degrees here.

Robert Hanssen astrology

“Ellis” dead drop site bag with cash inside

In the subsequent investigation, it was revealed that Hanssen had one friend, an older friend, that he felt he could trust. People with Saturn in the 11th house usually do not have many friends or gravitate towards an older friend(s).

Robert Hanssen, 2 Neptune = A “Top” Spy

Hanssen has Neptune at 2°, “the best” degree which can translate to “the best” spy or a spy at the top level of government, and “the best” law enforcement agency. Hanssen also had access to top (2°) assets (US spies abroad) which he would consistenly sell out to the Russians.

Profile of Hanssen

Birth Chart

Key characteristics seen in birth chart:

Famous Spy

Large Man
Undercover double agent
Foreign dealings

      • Hanssen’s natal Venus:

        Robert Hanssen’s wife

        If the chart holder is male, Venus represents his wife:  here placed in the 9th House and is connected to Mars (red). It shows his wife has red hair and she is very religious (9th house, religion)

      • Jupiter (large) conjunct his Ascendant (what is around you during your life and what you look like) shows that his appearance is large (6’3″)
      • Jupiter (many) square (disorganized) Mercury (talked openly) in the 10th: his supervisors at work didn’t believe he was a good supervisor and that he was careless with classified information
      • Mercury rules documents (Jupiter: “many”) and there were many documents he would give to foreigners to collect in a park (Leo) near his house
      • 18° is the evil degree. His crime was considered very (Jupiter) evil 

Robert Hanssen’s natal chart shows a strong Neptunian influence that drove him to work with Russia, helped him (hid him) and hurt him (served prison).  

Valerie Evans, forensic astrologer

Background on Bob

I personally met Bob in 1988 when I was working at the FBI. At that time, during his most damaging period as a secret agent, Bob was gathering info to pass on to the Soviet Union on the 4th floor of FBI Headquarters, which cost many lives due to Hanssen’s revelations about our spies abroad over many years.  I was working as a young intern on the 5th floor at the time and worked with his daughter, another intern, and we became friends. The Hanssen’s were known as a very close-knit family.

Over those summers, his daughter would talk about her plans for college when we would see each other for lunch in the cafeteria and how she hoped for a large family just like the one in which she was raised.  The family seemed happy but strict. His daughter’s smile and bubbly personality is what I remember the most. She would laugh at how I would prefer to dine at the Post Office Pavilion (now the Trump Hotel) down the street than at the stuffy FBI cafeteria and cheerfully go along with me. I recall that she never spoke ill of anyone, which seemed to be a reflection of her religious background and her parents raising her well.  You could tell she was very proud of her father and vice versa.

Bob Hanssen, at least during the four summers I worked there, seemed larger than life (and literally: he was 6’3” if memory serves me). My impression at the time was that he was a gentle but powerful giant, particularly expressed in the way he walked (taking long, lanky strides and somewhat duck-footed). I mentioned to him that I was studying the Russian language and I can still picture his face light up in response to my interest.

It was widely known in the summer intern circles that Mr. Hanssen was a big deal, from our perspective… the peons. What we didn’t know is that he had a poor reputation among his colleagues, particularly in the FBI Field Offices where agents’ counter espionage investigations (or requests for resources) were stymied by Hanssen.  But throughout the FBI halls, most considered Hanssen to be a big deal so it’s no wonder that he was able to commit his crimes unnoticed for so long.  None of us seemed to notice, however, that he was riding around town in a limo on his lunch break and after hours.  I only recall him carpooling with his daughter every day during the summers although sometimes she would take Metro home to Vienna, Va when he was busy.

There were books and movies about Bob Hanssen and a lot of money that was made from his story. Some described Hanssen, especially in those last months before his arrest, as rude, aloof and having a superiority complex but I believe that, at a certain point, when he knew the walls were closing in on him – everyone seemed like the enemy and they were treated as such.

Hanssen's Crime Chart

February 18, 2001, Vienna Va. 5:08 pm (est)

Click the thumbnail below to enlarge the crime chart and analysis of the crime chart’s 6th house.

There are so many themes in a crime chart and each forensic astrologer will note different markers that
Robert Hanssen criminal astrology

Many Special Agents

stand out immediately.  In Hanssen’s crime chart you can see a large amount of law enforcement agents behind the scenes (4th house: “behind the scenes” and also shows “the end of the matter” or how it ended).  At this moment, undercover FBI agents were about to arrest Hanssen. Pluto (a large number of something) placed next to Mars is a very powerful group of agents and … many.

The Ascendant shows what Hanssen is looking at from his/her perspective (“the surroundings” and can be in that person’s domain). Since the lord of Leo is in “enemy territory” of the 7th, it shows Robert Hanssen is going to be surrounded and taken down by Law Enforcement Officers (“LEOs”). He has no power here.  At this moment, the crime chart Ascendant matches Robert Hanssen’s birth Ascendant – perhaps confirming that this is a destined moment. The moment he was born, and the moment the life as he knew it virtually ended.
The two charts below represent the moment Robert Hanssen was arrested, as he was leaving a park (Leo “park”), the location of a dead drop where he had just placed stolen documents (here is Robert Hanssen walking from that location). Note the planet Mercury in the mix in this chart: it is known as “the thief” or “to steal.”  Check out the crime chart for Alexandria businessman Daniel Boice to see Mercury on MC.
In ancient astrology, astrologers would look for Mercury since it would point to a thief. The planets hanging around Mercury in the crime chart give more depth about the documents (reportedly something having to do with US advanced technology).  Hanssen took advantage of the FBI’s easily compromised database to help his Russian counterparts (easily shown by Neptune “Russia”).  You can see a Russian mole in the chart who appears to be female (Venus or Black Moon Lilith represent “female”) and may have helped the FBI nab him.
Robert Hanssen astrology

Wolftrap Creek footbridge: The Site of the Ellis Dead Drop