What Happened to Paighton Houston?

Date of Disappearance: Dec 20, 2019
Location (Last Seen):    Tin Roof Bar, Birmingham, AL
Event Time:                    12/21/2019 12:14 am

UPDATE: Paighton Houston was found deceased in a shallow grave 15 miles west of Birmingham. Police announced that Paighton died of an “accidental” drug overdose, per the coroner’s report.

Paighton Houston was last seen at a local Birmingham bar and was seen, as police and witnesses described, “willingly” leaving with 2 heavy-set black males. Shortly after, she sent a text to a friend that she had encountered trouble and was fearful.  

Frederick Hampton, the 50-year-old Birmingham man charged in connection with the death investigation of Paighton Houston, is now behind bars in Alabama after being extradited from Ohio.

Both suspects were sentenced  (6 and 10 years in prison) for abuse of a corpse.

The body of the 29-year-old Houston was found buried behind a home in Hueytown, Ala. on Jan. 3. On Jan. 30, the coroner said she died of an accidental overdose.

To understand degree meanings in an astrological chart, click here.

The Forensic Astrologer psychic investigation team has reviewed the case and suggests that the following astrological and psychic clues would be of assistance in finding Paighton.

(Click to enlarge an image)

A crime chart exposes the truth, every time.   Valerie Evans

Keywords from the 12:14 am crime chart:  Black SUV, work-related, friend lies, trouble in the car/in transit, victim near bridge or large avenue or road that might be hidden from view, took something valuable, cemetery, public water treatment plant, airport or airport road. 

Forensic Astrology Review Process

Event Chart Indicators for the 12:14 am chart

Identify Ascendant Degree, House and Elevated Planet + Aspects

. Forensic AstrologerPaighton's ruling planets; Moon and Venus Ascendant degree is 5° in Libra ("At a bar listening to Music/Libra degree"). Moon at 26°, the Taurus Degree, in Libra, can mean "beautiful singing" or entertainment that is "in front of" Paighton (representative of 1st House or "H1").  The moon is squaring Paighton's ruling planet, Venus (1°) in Aquarius, and Saturn (20°) and Pluto (22°) in Capricorn; sextiling the Sun.  This could mean that she was having fun and wasn't sure about leaving at that moment with the 2 male suspects (represented by Saturn and Pluto) who coerced her with charm (Libra) and adventure/impulse (SAG) Moon/Sun sextile. Sun represents "perpetrator" but because it is in sextile with one of her two ruling planets (Moon), he/they may have asked her willingly and she went.

Review Strongest Planets

Paighton Houston Forensic Astrology chartIn this chart, the strongest planet is Jupiter on the IC (4th house cusp). It is at 4° which represents "public".  Aspecting Neptune and Uranus, Uranus could be telling us that there is a lot of power or near a theme of water. Birmingham Waterworks is within one mile of where Paighton's remains were found, in the backyard of an the perp's relatives' home.  News Article On the Mclain Street, in Brighton, where Paighton died, there was several churches within a mile of the house (South Node, "church"). Her body was moved north, close to the Tin Roof where the group originally left.

Review Cusp Degrees and Planet Degrees

For information about where the victim may be, you can look to 4th house and 8th house.  The 8th house cusp,  Uranus is exactly on it at 2 and 3°.  This means "power" such as electrical or phone power (aspecting Mercury).  Final:  The body was moved (Uranus: to move)in a car (3).

Crime Scene Details

Major aspects of the Crime are Revealed

Location of Crime

Near a bridge, cemetery or large road. A water treatment center near an electrical tower. Possibly on land close to the water.

Suspect Details

The suspect(s), dark skinned, have a black SUV.

Potential Evidence

Investigators will find evidence/DNA.

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