Explaining the MC

It is March 26, 1960 at 10:15 pm at the Fountain Bleu Hotel in Miami

Video available via the 1981 Warner Archive Collection

Check out the event chart using the timestamp of when Frank Sinatra and Elvis are broadcasting live on stage.... Apply it to crime charts when you're trying to figure out what is going on "out in the open," or in public where everyone can see, which is what the MC represents.

This moment reflects a major event that would join two superstars and illustrates the MC and the fixed star Regulus, The King Point, activated when a planet sits in the late degrees of Leo. The public (and Frank Sinatra) would welcome Elvis, known as "The King," home that night and celebrate his return from a two-year stint in the Army during the Korean War.

In a crime chart, the word "King," or "Royal" might represent a clue such as the name of a street, community or name of a criminal.

Reviewing the MC in an Event/Crime Chart

Elvis and Sinatra
The MC: Located at the Top of Every Event Chart
The MC offers a clue about what is occurring at the time the chart is drawn (or what is about to happen).
Here, the King of Rock and Roll is appearing on stage! At 17°, the Leo degree, the crowd is having fun.

The MC is conjunct Regulus: The King

Leo 29°
This timestamp reflects the moment before The King would enter the stage and would turn from 27° to 29° a few minutes later. Uranus (futuristic, electricity) represents Rock and Roll because it was the sound of the future. Electronic music is being played and there is electricity in the air.
Refer to fixed stars like Regulus to determine clues about the moment an event (or crime) occurred.

Reviewing the Timestamp of a Major Event

Reviewing this timestamp in history is similar to reviewing the timestamp of a crime. You have the ability to see the location of the subjects, where they are, what they are doing, how they're feeling, who is witnessing the event and the final outcome of the subjects.

Elvis and Sinatra Astrology

10:15 pm - mid-way through the ABC Special

Who is Elvis in this chart?


Elvis is the guest of the program (or you might say the "younger opponent" - Mercury, younger). The Descendant, representing him can be found on the Devil Star Algol. Some Americans would refer to his music as the "Devil's Music." In 1963, he would record "Devil in Disguise."

To locate the "opponent", find the DSC line at the sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus. Venus is in Pisces: the location, a hotel (The Fountain Bleu in Miami) Elvis has two first names (Mercury "2" / Venus aspects Ascendant (name) = Elvis and Presley.

Who is Frank Sinatra?


Frank Sinatra is the host of the ABC program. The Ascendant in an event chart or wedding chart is often the person who invited the other. Frank's profile is shown by the Ascendant (ASC) in the sign of Scorpio, ruled by Mars. Rock music (Aquarius) made him angry and he didn't try to hide his jealousy (Scorpio) when the fans weren't screaming for him. Scorpio represent Mafia with which Sinatra was often associated. The Ascendant conjunct the very lucky Point of Fortune shows that this person (and the event itself) is extremely successful.

Family viewers in 1960 are angry at the controversial singer
5th House: "families" aspect Uranus - shocked/controversial songs (2nd House, "sing/songs")

Moon in Aries: Anger

Characteristics of Chart Subjects

What Was On Elvis' Mind that Night?

Mercury (what's on a person's mind)

Pisces and 12°: Drugs, the Beach, Singing and women (Venus) in a hotel

Venus 13°: Military; Elvis was wearing a military uniform and returning from war

Elvis Astrology

Venus also shows women - with Mercury (group) - female "groupies" who were fighting over Elvis (13°: Mars). 13° also represents military so Elvis/Venus is representing the military.

Elvis' planet Venus conjuncts Mercury and Trines Neptune

Neptune (right), the planet of drugs and secrets, trines Venus or - Elvis. It's how he would die - 8° - a drug overdose. Elvis was a drug addict. He is singing Witchcraft (8°: occult) which was "another person's" (Scorpio: "another person's") song at this moment.

See larger chart above to see how Venus and Neptune connect

Neptune: drugs
Scorpio: death


How Can The Subject Be Described?

Surprisingly, the Ascendant does not solely describe the victim in a crime chart (or in this case the host of the show). If the person representing the Descendant (Elvis) aspects the Ascendant, you can get a description of the person representing the 7th house ("opponent"). Here you can obtain a description for BOTH.

Elvis Has a Sleepy Look (Pisces)
His Name Sounds Like "Pelvis" - Scorpio (Pelvis)
Elvis Has Blue Eyes (Neptune within 30° of Ascendant: Blue)
Frank Sinatra's Nickname is "Ol' Blue Eyes" (Neptune near Asc)
Last name: "Sin" -atra - Scorpio "Sin" (the sign of Ascendant)

Chiron is circled in Red; Frank Sinatra is Mars


Frank Sinatra had a large scar on the left side of his face (Chiron “scar” conjunct Sinatra’s Mars) which he disguised with makeup (Chiron/Pisces “to disguise”). 

As a kid, Sinatra was called “scarface”

A Review of the IC and Pisces - Hotel

Example Crime Chart: Madeleine McCann

A Man (Mars) who was Foreign (NN)
Broke the Window (Uranus in Pisces)
in a Hotel Room (Pisces)

madeleine mccann