Lauren Colvin Thompson

Case Description

Date of Disappearance: January 10, 2019
Location (Last Seen):    Rock Hill, TX
Event Time:                    1/10/2019, 2:04 and 2:24 pm

On a Thursday afternoon in East Texas, Lauren Colvin Thompson, 32, and mother of three called 911 in a desperate plea for help.  She reported that she thought someone was chasing her and stayed on the phone with the emergency operator for approximately 20 minutes.  On the call, which Lauren’s mom was able to hear, shots can be heard behind Lauren. The police immediately responded and began a large scale search of the area using ATV and search dogs.  Lauren was wearing dark-colored pants or leggings and a hoodie.  There are claims that Lauren’s car was stuck in the mud but witnesses say that her vehicle was parked on pavement.  One of the witnesses has since died.
Keywords from the 2:24 pm event chart: "friend's home," "traveled to friend's home,"" "hidden/enemy, abuser stops victim,"  "victim drugged," "poisoned food," "fireman," "evil ex boyfriend,"  "significant other poisoned,"  "public creek near park" "brown uniform"  "big fire" or extreme heat

Forensic Astrology Review Process

Event Chart Indicators for the 2:24 pm chart

Identify Ascendant Degree, House and Elevated Planet + Aspects

. Ascendant degree is 7 or "Libra" degree ("couple"). It is in Gemini ("2" or "friends" or "driving"). There are a few possibilities: "Beauty is Driving" - or there could also be two "pretty victims" since 7°, the Libra degree, means beauty- perhaps 2 victims were targeted at two different times which is seen in some crime charts. Two people may have been the subject of the crime. Gemini can mean "local" and at 7° could mean "local couple."  Police might want to investigate another missing persons case that had similar circumstances for more clues. There are no planets in the 1st House so it's difficult to determine what was around Lauren's environment. It clearly shows she was not in her familiar environment.

Review Strongest Planets

Moon/victim + Neptune/lost, drugged, hidden - Victim is lost in a public place or secret area; victim was drugged or poisoned. "Home" hidden in the forest (14°, Taurus Degree) or hiding money (Neptune/hiding at the Taurus degree, money).  Mars at 6° in Aries could be a military network at work (6°).  This case will most likely "gain fame" (Moon) as a famous mystery (Neptune, "mystery"). In this chart, the strongest planets are Lilith, Jupiter and Venus and the planets they aspect: Mars, Uranus, Sun, Moon and Mars.

What Stands Out in This Case?

What strikes me is Pluto conjunct Sun in the 8th house.  That is: extreme heat to the maximum level. You might think that it would show conditions of Texas (hot!) however, Lauren went missing in the month of January.  Remember, we have Pluto (amplifier) and Sun (Gold, Heat, Yellow).   I would next look to indicators of a big fire or bonfire (check police reports). The planets being in Capricorn indicate rocks or "hot rocks" which are near the area she went missing and could be a location of interest. I would also look for names that are similar to that theme ("Gold Slate Road"). In addition to Pluto and Sun both at 20° there are other two other planets in the 8th. Often planets can represent people. And with Pluto ("lots") - a lot of people. Mercury at 8° can mean something that is "cursed" - so I would look for a place in the county that might have an old story of a curse or even a statue/icon that might reflect the energy of the Scorpio degree ("Black Magic). In some cases it can literally mean "Route 8" especially when Mercury is involved.

Crime Scene Details

Major aspects of the Crime are Revealed

Location of Crime

(Pluto + Moon in 2nd house),  (Moon at Scorpio degree/20°). 

Suspect Description

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