Nixon’s Downfall: Vengeance and Eavesdropping

 Nixon’s Birth Chart and Crime Chart for Watergate

Birth Chart

In President Richard Nixon’s birth chart, you can see a rise and fall in his career and it would be “for all to see” with the opposition of an elevated Pluto in the 10th house of career (power hungry) and a direct drop, or opposition, with a strong stellium of Mars, Venus and Mercury.

The “Men” included Nixon’s Advisors Alderman and Ehrlichman who contributed to the President’s demise and resignation. Jupiter: the “guru” planet.

Gemini ruled by the planet Mercury aka "The Trickster"
Pluto: Sexual Organ

In public, (10th) he was known as
"Tricky Dick"

Pluto in the 10th:
A Obsessive Thirst for Revenge with Opponents and
the Press While In the Executive Office

1° Capricorn
Fixed Star Spiculum and Alnasyl

Unfortunate: loss of eyesight; blindness

Nixon proclaimed "Save Your Vision" week in 1971

The president was instrumental in supporting new technologies to fight blindness and his legacy in that field is still evident today (see proclamation).

Timestamp of Security Guard in Logbook