
What Outer Planets Show In a Crime Chart
3 Apr 2020

Pluto | Location The Case of Cheryl Grimmer

Pluto is a very small planet and considered an “outer planet” – some astrologers don’t even consider it when looking at a chart. In crime charts, it can show something “massive” happened since Pluto, along with Jupiter, is considered an “amplifier” planet. Whatever Pluto is aspecting or “near” you can consider it to be 10x the effect.  As an example if you know that Saturn represents “dead body” and Pluto is next to Saturn it can show that the crime happened near a cemetery. Many will note the tragic aspects of the 2020 Saturn/Jupiter/Pluto conjunction at the time of COVID where many bodies are seen near hospitals or funeral homes – which can’t keep up with demand.

Naturally an indicator of sex, death and transformation, Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, will indicate Scorpio themes. We can determine a direction where Cheryl Grimmer was taken by looking at Pluto (retrograde) at 27° in the 5th house. We consider 28° since retrograde planets will mean a degree forward as well. These degrees represent “cars” and “homes” respectively.

Cheryl Grimmer Event chart

“Lots of little cars and little houses”

Pluto, Virgo (small) at 27° and 28° (cars and homes)

The suspect that was apprehended confessed to the crime and said he killed Cheryl in Balgownie, at that time a small village. 

Balgownie is a small suburb of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia.

It stretches from the lower slopes of Mount Keira along the Illawarra escarpment to the base of the Broker’s Nose promontory.

The main street, Balgownie Road, connects the suburb to the nearby Princes Highway. Balgownie is mostly residential with a small commercial centre known as the Balgownie Village.



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