President Reagan Shot

The Assassination Attempt on President Reagan

“The news was rushed to OR 2 that the weapon used in the shootings was a .22 caliber, not a .38.” (as originally stated by the FBI)  Washingtonian

Leo 22

Astrology and Assassinations
Ronald Reagan Astrology Assassination
President Reagan astrology

After Parr searched Reagan's (Reagan's Secret Service code name: "Rawhide") body and found no blood, he stated that "Rawhide is OK...we're going to Crown" (the White House), as he preferred its medical facilities to an unsecured hospital." Wikipedia

John Hinckley

Read more about Ronald Reagan’s attack, his doctor’s heroic decisions and his recovery: Washingtonian

The 2nd house (above) represents “to eat,” money and/or the neck area as well as “to speak”.  Reagan had just come out of a speaking engagement; a luncheon (2nd house: lunch) hosted by a wealthy union (Libra “union”). The police (Mars/Aries: police) were able to block one of the bullets (Saturn: “to block”) heading for the president. If the planet representing the killer (Saturn here) is retrograde, it’s an obstacle and may render the perp unsuccessful. The planet is debilitated.

March 30, 1981 Washington DC. 2:27 pm

It was a rainy afternoon in March when President Reagan exited the Washington Hilton Hotel through the side VIP entrance toward his presidential limousine when he was met with a crowd that included media, awaiting secret service… and his assassin, John Hinckley, Jr.

Hinckley’s obsession with a famous child actress, Jodie Foster, allegedly drove him to commit the act. 

Moon= Famous

Venus + Moon = Famous Female

Venus + Moon + Jupiter = Very Famous Female
Jupiter, North Node or Pluto are amplifier planets

Mercury: James Brady, Reagan’s Press Secretary seriously wounded and paralyzed (NEP), Mercury “press.”

“Brady’s death in 2014 was eventually ruled a homicide, caused by the gunshot wound he received 33 years earlier.” (Wikipedia)

If you were looking at this chart right after the assassination attempt, you would probably ask “who is the famous female?”  She would have been the motive for the act (Mars conjunct Moon+Venus).  You might also see 8° which is the Scorpio degree and rules the occult. A famous astrologer would be part of the assassin story in that it prompted Nancy Reagan to believe in astrological timing. Mrs. Reagan had heard through her inner circle that the astrologer had predicted a bad event for the president on that day.

The president is located at the Ascendant line (and the Sun also rules him in this chart). In a high percentage of charts, if a perp lies in wait, you see North Node in the 12th. Note the kill or be killed degree at 22.  Hinckley used a .22 caliber revolver. Saturn can also show someone waiting

iesThe Stephanie Parze case included 22° at the Ascendant and she was returning from an outing as well.  In her case, she was seeing a psychic (Venus in Scorpio).  She returned home (“Cancer”) whereas Reagan was returning to “Crown” (code for the White House, Leo: a kingdom, crown or king/world leader).
