Pimps and Madams in Astrology


Famous Pimps (Birth Chart) – Dennis Hof

Sun conjunct MC “Career” Angle at 20° (Sex Degree)

Pimps and AstrologyWhen analyzing the birth chart of a pimp, you’ll notice a strong presence of the Sun, meaning a person in power, a pimp or a “boss.”  It will either sit in the 8th or it may have Scorpio degrees (8°, 20°).   This will likely be prevalent in a person’s birth chart and in crime chart (if the person is caught performing the duties of this profession).  Hof’s chart naturally shows that Sun at the Scorpio degree is very strong on an angle, the Career Angle (MC) and Sun-like themes will appear during his life.  Sun is the ruling planet of Leo, which rules the 5th house of fun, lovers and sex. Hof starred in the HBO reality series “Cathouse” – Sun rules “cats” (when looking for a missing dog, you analyze Moon for dog). For more information about degrees, refer to the Degree Key.


In a pimp’s life, you’ll see abundant themes such as women, cash, sex and transactions – like you see in Hof’s chart. Since there are pimps who make money from different sources, some charts may add more detail such as “older women” or even teenagers or children. In Hof’s case you see women and some that do drugs (Black moon lilith “sexy or sinister females” in 12th “drugs”), or are hiding since the 12th house means hiding.  What was perceived as Hof’s “dream home of sex” was his “Bunny ranch” that became a tourist spot. Neptune “dream” in good aspect to Moon (house) = “Dream Home” and would show he owned 2 dream homes – since Gemini represents “2.”  Indeed, Hof opened another brothel near the first. In Hof’s chart, Moon would show the literal name of his home “Moonlite.”

The Vegas Moonlite Bunny Ranch

Neptune near a personal planet like Moon (Home) can describe something in your life as a “dream:” For Hof: (Almost) Every Man’s “Dream Home”

Click charts below to enlarge


Madams and Pimps in Astrology


The Birth Chart of a
Famous Hollywood Madam


Before I analyze the natal chart of any public figure, I consider what I know first and what themes prevail from the public’s perspective and check it against the chart.

In this case, this infamous (former) Hollywood Madam was surrounded by beautiful women (her business assets), famous, powerful men (making up a high percentage of her clients), extreme wealth, drugs, international business and contacts, and lawyers.   Libra (19°) represents beauty… and the law.  Her ruling planet rules her 8th house (the house of sex) showing how she would be identified (1st house, how people identify you).

This American madam made the biggest international headlines demonstrated by the symbols at the top of the chart. If she was a low-profile person and her crimes were not for all to see, you would see more planets under the horizon (bottom half). You see both here because she obviously kept her business hidden. 

Famous men:  Moon (fame) + Mars (men). Some were movie stars, drug addicts or from foreign lands (12th). The were looking for fun (5°, the Leo degree) and sex. They had incredible amounts of money (2nd house).

Madam and Pimps astrology

19: Beautiful (the Libra Degree)

Beautiful women: Venus. In the first house it’s what the chart holder has around her in her lifetime.  At 13°, the Aries/Mars degree, it can indicate athletic women or creating a *business* (Aries degree, “business”) dealing with women.  Both Mars and Mercury represent cars, and Venus at the Mars degree shows she love beautiful cars.  Black Moon Lilith represents the Femme Fatale type, which this madam was described as. She also employed them and they were extremely beautiful (the Libra degree, 19° “beautiful”).

Significant Other: Jupiter: When Jupiter is in detriment or is retrograde, a female can have a tougher time with relationships, this madam did. Jupiter at 24°, the Pisces Degree, can indicate a significant other with a drug or alcohol problem.

Some might wonder why Ketu is so strong on her MC/Career point. Ketu can mean despair or can mean a “leak.” But how does it apply to this Madam?

Ketu shows luxury, wealth and fantasy and especially so close to Neptune (illusions and fantasy) – it was a double whammy – all things she offered to her clients. Neptune (fantasy) was also indicated in Dennis Hof’s chart above.

Here again, you’ll note that Sun is a major factor in a pimp’s chart or in a crime chart if you see Sun aspecting the 8th house or the Scorpio degrees (8°, 20°).

Check out another chart that may have involved a pimp as members of the public boarded the Titanic. Was there a pimp boarding?

To learn more about Forensic Astrology, order the Forensic Astrology 101 course ($29). See featured shots below showing clues you can glean from planets and houses.

Forensic Astrology 101