Hidden Titanic Gold: Is it Cursed?

Titanic Launch
Southhampton, UK
April 10, 1912, noon

Titanic Astrology

Southhampton, noon


This timestamp captures what is taking place as the Titanic gets ready for launch.

The last of the dark (Saturn) suitcases (Taurus) and shipments have just been delivered.

Take a look at the strongest part of the chart at this moment: Gold. In Aries, German Gold.

Gold is represented by the Sun and often takes the starring role in shipwreck charts.  Add several aspects to Sun – not just one amplifier planet (Pluto) but TWO (North Node) and that is a lot of foreign (North Node Ω : “foreign”) gold.

Many unfortunate events happened to the Titanic salvage hunters and their families including death, illness and prison; the journeys to recover lost gold in deep water expeditions have been fraught with unexplained flaws (logistics problems, technology glitches, injury and death).

Is the curse, in general, about simply carrying gold on a ship?  With so many wrecks that attempted to transport gold (i.e. the Gold Rush), it seems a possibility… not to mention that people recovering gold and artifacts in present day have also been cursed!  Perhaps minerals and other elements are not meant to be transported, such as the dark sand from Hawaii’s dormant volcanos. Hundreds of tourists send back what they took on their Hawaiian vacation after experiencing unexplained “bad voodoo.”

But was this a voyage that involved child trafficking?

You may also notice another placement on this chart, Sun at 20°.  You may recall from another blog (Pimps and Madams in Astrology) that this position can represent a pimp. Note that Mercury in the 10th represents children – with North Node, “foreign children”.  Was this a voyage that involved child trafficking? With Mercury (retrograde) squaring Moon in the 6th house of work, it seems they may be been sent to work locations.

The ship had to leave Southhampton, UK for France and then headed to New York.  Makes you wonder what was exchanged in between those cities.

Additional positions to note for this timestamp:

  • The Ascendant is at Leo 8°.  Leo, ruled by Sun, represents gold. 8° is a curse. Cursed Gold
  • If there’s one thing you notice at ship launches: hundreds of waving handkerchiefs (Venus “handkerchiefs”).  Venus sits in the 9th house of Sagittarius and indicates a ship. The hankies are waving furiously and fast to their friends and they are white (Moon, “white”). See how Venus aspects Moon.  Moon + Uranus – the hankies are “up high” as we know Uranus represents.  These friends (who are waving to each other) are represented by the 11th house – but there’s a square there. The people on the dock can’t see their friends, only the hankies!  The men (Mars) and the women (Venus) also cannot see each other (Mars square Venus) as they wave goodbye.  Hands/waves are represented by Gemini, the Gemini degree, or Mercury (sitting next to Mars).
  • Scorpio and the Scorpio degrees (8°, 20°), signify “other people’s things,” and with Sun at the Scorpio degree (gold) and children (young children: Mercury, older children, Jupiter) it appears that not only did the gold belong to someone else, but so did the (foreign) children.
  • Many questions have arisen about the ship and its insurance policy.  Scorpio also represents insurance.

Read about the Suez Canal curse

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